I’ve been getting lots of calls and emails about prevention, self care, nutrition, herbs and oils. In the interest of expediency here are some basics. I will elaborate more fully in the coming days.
I first want to share the knowledge gained from the Chinese Medical community. This virus is characterized by obstruction of respiratory pathways. The recommendations for what you can to to help safeguard yourself:
Drink lots of hot liquids - coffee, tea, soups, hot water.
Take a sip of hot water EVERY 20 MINS to keep mouth moist and washes any virus into the stomach where the gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs.
Gargle 1-2x daily with warm/hot water and an antiseptic such as vinegar, salt or lemon.
The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. Any detergent kills it but you must take a bath or shower if you come from the street. Avoid sitting anywhere when you come in from the street. if you can’t wash clothes daily, hang them in sunlight as sunlight will shorten its lifespan.
Wash metallic surfaces carefully and thoroughly - the virus can last up to 9 days on metal surfaces.
Be vigilant about washing all surfaces - handrails, knobs, etc.
Wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with any soap that foams.
Eat fruits and veggies.
Elevate Zinc and Vitamin C levels (see below)
Avoid getting the common flu as it weakens the system.
If you feel any discomfort in throat at all - use the above methods re gargling with salt water.
Eat clean food including fresh, local organic fruits and vegetables (free of preservatives, dyes, additives and pesticides).
Drink clean filtered water NOT from plastic bottles.
Exercise reduces stress, strengthens the immune system and supports sound sleep. 30 minutes to target heart rate interspersed with simple home strength training 5 days a week is optimal. For those that exercise a lot, remember to take rest days too.
Sleep is imperative for restoration. This is an opportunity to understand and actually feel the importance of a sound nights rest. A minimum of 7-8 hours is optimal. This is an excellent time to rediscover your natural sleep rhythm. For parents, as best you can, sleep when your children sleep to maximize your energy.
Create new habits. This is an excellent time to kick the coffee and/or sugar habit and create a morning exercise or meditation routine.
Spend time in daily gratitude, prayer and meditation.
Net pots are wonderful during allergy season. Remember to use with distilled water or saline solution only.
Stay home when you are sick. A 14 day quarantine after known Covid19 infection is the bare minimum required to prevent reinfection of oneself or another. Recovery after the quarantine period for Covid19 is equally as important as prevention. (Staying home when you’re sick is true even for the common cold and basic flus. Listen and respect what your body is telling you - to rest, heal and restore takes whatever time it takes for you as an individual.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using appropriate cleaning spray products and wipes. Remember that some cleaners require 10 minutes of contact time for disinfection to occur.
Wear a face mask, gloves and whatever protection you need if you are around someone who is sick or if you are in public in close proximity.
There is no specific treatment for Covid19. The International Society for orthomolecular Medicine urges a nutrient based method to prevent of minimize symptoms for future viral infection. The following inexpensive supplemental levels are recommended for adults. For children reduce these in proportion to body weight:
VITAMIN C: 4,000 mg (or more) daily, in divided doses.
VITAMIN D3: 2,000 IUs daily. Start with 5,000 IUs a day IU per day for two weeks then reduce to 2,000 IU’s. Take extra Vitamin K2 which tells the body to put the Vitamin D into the bones.
MAGNESIUM: 400mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate or chloride form)
ZINC: 20 mg daily
SELENIUM: 100 mcg daily
If you are taking blood pressure medicines, ACE inhibitors or ARBs (ramipril, lisinopril or losartan) DO NOT discontinue them without consulting your physician. Traditional anti virals are NOT effective for SARS-CoV2 virus.